Friday, January 14, 2011

Sony wants you to hack the PS3, they'll even give you money!

The title isn't true, flat out, but hopefully it grabbed your attention.  A couple days ago I posted about how the PS3 has been cracked by GeoHot (and I forgot to mention the hacker group fail0verflow who did something similar) and vented a little bit about how piracy and hacking kills my buzz about the gaming industry.  Well it still does, but just recently its been purported that "Sony tried to send Geohot $1 to prove that the hacker was taking donations" ( via  So once again, I am abhorrently opposed to piracy and hacking... but c'mon Sony, really?  If you're going to allegedly send someone a donation to strengthen your court case, make it a donation that they will take! 

After my house gets robbed by Sony super-soldiers I'm going to give them a dollar just for the sake of irony.

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