Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Ultimate Gamer Work-Out Machine that's Dirt Cheap!

I've taken a bit of a hiatus from posting and that's due to some events in life that finally happened (don't worry nothing bad at all) and all that means is that I have a little less time now to write.

In reference to an earlier article I wrote about how to stay fit and 733T, I mentioned that raising your heart rate a bit and doing it for long periods of time is a great way to burn calories.  I also said that an eliptical or stationary bike is a great way to put that theory into practice.  Then I realized that not everyone can just go pickup an exercise machine on a whim.  I did a little bit of research and this is a solution that I came up with.

Here is I tried and true practice that I'm engaging in currently... wait for it.... bike pedals!  To left you see the dusty rig I built myself (remember its real easy to build your own!) and to the right you see a $25-$35 piece of equipment that is is portable and perfect for keeping up your heart rate and doing your favorite activity... owning punk-asses online.  Put it under your desk, your feet ony the pedals and your hand on the mouse.  Believe me when I say it's easier to bike and pull off a headshot than it is to rub your tummy and pat your ego... err... head.

You can get crazier versions that keep time for you or offer better feedback and resistance, but the point is to keep your body moving and not kill yourself.

Last weekend I played TF2 for probably 2 1/2 hours and I can say with pride that I pedaled for at least half that time.  When I was done my legs felt like they had completed a decent jog/light run and I reached my item cap for the week thanks to the new item system/ Mann-conomy update.  Seriously, if you haven't played TF2 in a year or so (cough... like me) its almost an entirely new game.
 I digress... this is a cost-efficient way to lose weight and you can lug this thing around the house no problem.  Studying, watching a movie, playing the PSP on the couch, playing on the PC, litteraly this is a no-excuse solution that you can do.

I'm still playing Minecraft, Vindictus, and recently tried the new Dynasty Warriors Online, but I have less time to devote to the blog due to the career.  Never fear, updates will come... just keep pedaling in the mean time!

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