Monday, September 27, 2010

Dig, Explore, Create... Survive [Minecraft]

I've hit this kick with discovering indie games lately.  One that has rocked the independent community as of late, and one that has caused bags under my eyes already, is called Minecraft.

The game is currently still under heavy development but you can purchase it now for a discounted price (9.99 euros to be exact... don't know how to make a euro symbol) and you get a lifetime of free updates and access to the most interesting "Alpha" mode.  The premise of the alpha game is literally this: you spawn in a random place, ready go.  With no tutorial or warning the day/night cycle begins immediately and you are free to do as you wish.  You can explore the world, begin harvesting materials, climb some mountains, whatever you want.  However, once the sun sets on the first day you suddenly realize that this adorable, blocky, pixelated world is downright deadly.  Zombies, skeletons, spiders, and creepers will begin hunting you as soon as the sun fades away.  Hopefully by now you've at least discovered how to craft a pick-axe and a sword otherwise you'll be holding the "W" for a full night of running away.

Minecraft is one of those rarities that still give me hope for eventually having a high-production, truly sandbox experience.  This game blew up once it was released and made its developer quite happy with the revenue it generated so hopefully this idea will catch on.

Pictures and video of my own experience with the game to follow.

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